Support & Recovery


Fridays, 7:00pm, Y Building

Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered 12 step program. Become free from addictive, compulsive and dysfunctional behaviors. Have peace, serenity, joy, and most importantly, a stronger personal relationship with God and others. Childcare is available.

General Meeting- Men & Women; Fridays, 7:00pm, followed by CR Open Share groups:

Men's A-Z (General Issues), Men's Sexual Addiction, Men's Chemical Addiction (anything ingested, including food), Men's Codependency.

Women's A-Z (General Issues), Women in Recovery from Abuse (Sexual, Physical, Emotional), and Women Struggling With Fear, Control & Codependency

Step Studies- September to May on various days. Work through CR Step Study guides in a group setting to identify and weed out the lifelong hurts, habits, and hang-ups which are holding you back. (New groups start in the Fall).

Leader: Vern Smith
Childcare: Available for children ages 0-11 years.

Want to know more about CR?


No matter how long it's been since your loved one passed away, you'll find encouragement, comfort, and support in this safe and caring group. GriefShare is an ongoing weekly video and workbook series featuring topics on grief. It's combined with small group discussions to allow people to talk about how they are working through grief and loss.

Meetings are on Sundays from 4-6 pm from January 21, in the Church Conference Room for 13 weeks. Registration and workbook: $20. Leader: Mark Walther

Class dates are August 13 - November 12, 2023 & January 21 - April 21, 2024

Prayer Groups

MOMS IN PRAYER - Wednesdays, 10-11:15am, Online, Aug-May

Women discover the joy and power in praying for Fremont Christian School (our students, families, and staff) and the public schools in our area. Leader: Masy Miller.

 MORE PRAYER - Saturdays, 10:30am, Online

Are you feeling the need for God to intervene in your neighborhood, workplace, school, and the nation? “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord” (Psalm 33:12). We know God stands ready to hear our petitions, so join us each Saturday!  Leader: Christine Khine.


The purpose of the group is to pray and intercede for families, youth, children, church, city, and nations according to how the Holy Spirit leads. Leaders: Vanitha & Solomon Henry.

Classes & Bible Studies


All ladies are welcome to join this upcoming Bible study. Starting Sunday, Oct 1 at 8:30am. Leader: Pastor Lauri Inman.


PRAYER TEAM - Sunday mornings & Wednesday evenings

Are you interested in hearing God’s voice more clearly, studying Christ’s ministry of salvation, healing, deliverance, and growing in the character of Christ? This is a year-long leadership training ministry. Meets Wednesdays for training and serves Sundays for prayer. A prerequisite is the completion of the Cleansing Stream course. Leaders: Pastors Terry & Mary Inman.

 HOSPITALITY TEAMS – Sunday mornings

These teams serve on Sundays to help roll out the red carpet and make our guests and church family feel welcome and celebrated.

  • USHERS & GREETERS - Welcome people at the doors, provide information, direction, and help facilitate our service. Leader: Pastor Lauri Inman.

  • FIRST TOUCH TEAM - Meet with first-time guests on Sundays and follow up with them during the week. Leader: Pastor Dave Chiolero.

 WORSHIP TEAM - Sundays, 8.30am, Worship Arts Studio

The Worship Team is made up of the music, production, and dance teams. They help people connect to Jesus during our Sunday service.

  • MUSIC TEAM - This team is made up of vocalists and musicians devoted to bringing excellence each time we gather. Leader: Pastor Kirk Ellis

  • PRODUCTION TEAM - This team is made up of skilled audio technicians, video directors, camera operators, lighting technicians, lyric operators, stagehands, and other production personnel. This team helps communicate various service segments utilizing creativity and technology. Training is available. Leaders: Pastor Kirk Ellis & Kirsten Robinson

  • EXPRESSIONS DANCE TEAM - Join us as we learn, share, and encourage one another in worship through movement. "Let them praise his name with dancing“ ~Psalm 149:3. Leaders: Tess Lazzareschi & Alexa Chen.


We’re inviting you to join a Compassion Network Team that meets quarterly to strategize and organize Compassion Network events in our city, and to love the people of the Tri-Cities through hands-on service and donations. Liaison: Shilpa Kuruvilla

 FEED THE HOMELESS - 1st Tuesdays, 5:30-6:30pm, Abode Homeless Shelter, Fremont

This team serves dinner, in the name of Jesus, at Abode Homeless Shelter on the 1st Tuesday of every month. Leader: Jose Aguilera.

FOOD DISTRIBUTION - 3rd Saturdays, 2pm, Harbor Light

Every 3rd Saturday of the month, we distribute boxes of food to families in need. Leader: Pastor Tim Inman.


Join a team that visits homeless encampments in the local tri-city area, serving hot meals, providing clothes & personal hygiene items, and showing the love of Jesus.

James understands firsthand the difficulty of being homeless, having lived out of his car when he was younger. Through this experience, God has given both James and Lynne compassion for this community and a way to make a difference. This team is brand new and forming its volunteer base right now. Leaders: James and Lynne Osborn.

FREMONT FOR JESUS - 1st Sundays after service

Come with us and share your story of Jesus on the streets of Fremont on various Sundays, following Church service. Leader: Lidia Aguilera.

SMALL GROUP HOSTS - Various locations, times & days

If you like to host a bible study, prayer group, creative gathering, or sports group, let us know. Leader: Pastor Dave Chiolero

Life Groups

ENCOUNTERING JESUS - Thursdays, 7pm, Conference Rm & Online

Learn to walk in the Spirit, be led by the Spirit and minister in the prophetic for the purpose to bring others to Christ. Leader: Brian Paiva, 510.703.1215.

FILIPINO WOMEN’S LIFE GROUP - Sundays, 12-2pm, Teachers Lounge

A life application Bible study for Filipino Women from Genesis to Revelation! Leader: Lynna Tobiassen.

HANNAH’S CIRCLE - 2nd & 4th Thursdays, 10:30am-12pm, Worship Arts Studio, Sept-June

Women meet for Bible study, prayer, worship, tea parties, and encouragement in their commitment to Christ. Meetings are from September to June. Leader: Vangie Lopez.

 BROTHERS IN CHRIST - Thursdays, 10am-11pm, Online

Men, join us for a time of fellowship and encouragement! Leader: Sam Kawar. 510.793.3182.

 MEN’S GROUP - new class dates TBD

A nine-week group which will walk through Tony Evans book - Kingdom Men Rising. For men who want to foster personal discipleship and lead others. Leader: Robert Dagys,415.559.9114.

MEN’S GROUP - Wednesdays, 7-9pm, Chiolero’s Home, Sept-Nov

Join a group of guys who share life and hold each other accountable to pursue a closer relationship with Jesus. Leader: Pastor Dave Chiolero

MEN’S GROUP - Alternate Mondays, 6-8pm, Esterly’s Home

If you're looking for a group where you can enjoy a meal around the table, share life and pray for each other, this group is for you. For men of all ages. Leader: Thomas Esterly, 510.449.1168.

UPLIFT - Tuesdays, 6-7pm, Worship Arts Studio

Join our senior saints each Tuesday at 6pm for hymn-singing, teaching, prayer, and a monthly dinner night out. 3rd Tuesday is off-site at a local restaurant & 4th Tuesday is our birthday celebration. Leader: Henry Chan.

ISAIAH 55:9 GROUP - 1st & 3rd Saturdays, 1pm, Online

Our focus is to go deeper in our relationship with the Lord. Open to families and individuals of all ages. Leaders: Boda Chen & Mag Chen.

CAMINANDO CON JESUS- Viernes, 7:30pm, Estudio de arte y adoracion

Escudriñando la palabra de Dios para nuestro crecimiento espiritual. Toda la familia es bienvenida! Líder: Noe Sitan.

AGLOW INTERNATIONAL - 2nd Tuesdays, 10:30am-1:30pm, Worship Arts Studio

A gathering of women & men for worship, prayer, teaching, and fellowship. This is a dynamic, global Kingdom movement with a single purpose: to see God's will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.

Meetings will be held monthly on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 10:30am. Leader: Marie Wassei.

Interest Groups

CO-ED VOLLEYBALL - Saturdays, 9am-12pm, Gym

Men and women of all ages, join us for a time of volleyball, fellowship and prayer. Prior volleyball experience is required for the safety of all. This group is full at this time. Leader: Woody Lee.

CO-ED TABLE TENNIS - Thursdays, 6:30pm, Sazon’s home

Sign up for a fun night of table tennis and fellowship. Leader: Emmanuel Sazon, 510.390.4407.

MEN’S BASKETBALL - Sundays 8-10pm, Gym

Come play basketball with us on Sunday nights. Leader: Joel Thompson, 510.673.1459.

WORKOUT GROUP - This group is full at this time

We wanted to create a space for people to come and work out on their own or together. There are no expectations. Just come and get a workout in and meet some friends from church! Leader: Kirsten Robinson