Welcome to Women’s Ministry

At Harbor Light we want to build a community of women who gather together for fellowship, mentoring and to connect in a safe, supportive environment.  We engage with God while uplifting and encouraging one another in faith. We pray for one another and understand the needs only women have.

Throughout the year, Harbor Light women will have the opportunity to join Pastor Lauri in bible studies, annual events and prayer meetings.

Check back here again to find out the dates for upcoming Women’s gatherings.

Pastor Lauri Inman

Bible Study for Women

We have an on-going, Sunday morning Bible study for women which meets from 8:30 - 10:00 AM in the Library Building, Room 1. Starting January 12, we will be doing a seven-week study by Priscilla Shirer on the Armour of God.

Our church, Harbor Light, is part of the Assemblies of God. Join women from hundreds of churches across Northern California and Nevada as we gather for the annual district women’s conference, Sweet Life, at Bethel Church in San Jose on March 7-8. This year, we will be taking a bus from Harbor Light, so we can drive back and forth together. To sign up for the conference, you can click this link and sign up directly with district. Please fill out the form below to let me us know you are coming and if you would like to ride on the bus.